It’s Monday morning.
You awake to the frightening blare of your alarm clock, that serves as both an enemy and friend. After stumbling from bed, you stretch. It’s a new day.
Are you going to live today on purpose?
There’s coffee, a shower, toothpaste and a toothbrush…
There are zippers, buttons, combs and/or a hairbrush…
(The last two, only for some of us.)
There’s a cup of oatmeal, bowl of cereal, fruit or whatever you have for breakfast.
This is your morning routine, but have you done anything on purpose?
We rush out of the house to sit in stop-and-go traffic…
So we tune into the radio and listen to the morning rush hour music mix…
Some of us have a Monday morning conference call to go with our exhaust fumes…
For others…no music, just Monday morning news.
This is your morning commute, but have you done anything on purpose?
Every Monday, we head to the same office, on the same floor, to see the same people, to sit in the same cube…
But, it is a new week!
Are you going to live this week on purpose?
Typically, Monday we despise.
Tuesday we barely recognize, because Wednesday is hump day…
Then we can throwback Thursday (#tbt) and thank God it’s Friday! (#TGIF)
…and that gets us to the weekend.
Ahhhh…the weekend and that favorite Friday afternoon question.
Got any plans?
A party? Where? For whom? For what? When?
No plans? Now what?
But…was it on purpose?
Saturday brings sleep?
Or not…
No sleep?
There are errands, chores, social obligations, small kids, little league, big kids and big league sports.
Sunday sermons, dinners, football and work…
Oh no…it’s almost Monday again.
Did you do anything on purpose?
This week, my questions for reflection are:
- Is your life set to DEFAULT?
- Are you living your life on purpose in service of your purpose?
We’ve been told that life is a gift, yet most of the time it doesn’t seem to feel that way. I believe we experience the deep drudgery of our daily routines, simply because we fail to take full ownership of our lives.
“It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much. The life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill-provided but use what we have wastefully.” ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Instead of living lives committed to fulfilling our purpose on the planet, our lives are often set to default. Thus, our own time is wasted, because we end up living a life dedicated to fulfilling the purpose, dreams and aspirations of another.
Isn’t it about time you took your life off autopilot and stopped living by default?
Here are a few examples that can shift you from living at default into purposeful living:
- Instead of getting caught in the Monday morning routine, take time to think about your three personal priorities for the week. Write them down.
- Replace that mindless, miserable commute with purposeful intention. I hear from so many people they don’t have time to read. Maybe it’s time to make traffic = audio books.
- Get creative. This is your life we’re talking about. Start getting intentional about the life you desire to create.
Maybe you know your purpose, but are you truly committed to living in pursuit of that purpose?
“Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don’t make it wait any longer.” ~ Steve Maraboli
Live your life on purpose, according to your purpose!
…and stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice!
Looking for more? Check out these links to related post:
The Purpose For Having A Purpose
Exercise and Books For Identifying Your Purpose
About the Author:
Linal Harris Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
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Good post definitely needed this in my life right now!