On July 4, 2011, I woke up with the title Inspirational Perspective™ etched in my mind, clear as day. That morning, I purchased the website domain and wrote my first blog post titled, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” I was terrified, but I clicked the publish button anyway. That day, I made a personal commitment to post a blog every week.
The blog led to the radio show. In 2012, one of my blog readers contacted me and asked me to do a radio interview on her WVON 1690 AM radio program. Shortly after the interview, the president of WVON Radio, Melody Spann-Cooper, contacted me and told me she enjoyed the interview and that I really should be on the radio. A month or two later, I presented her with a proposal for my show idea and she accepted.
In February 2013, I launched my Saturday night radio program, Inspirational Perspective™ on WVON 1690 AM. Again, I was terrified; but I pushed past my fear and hosted my first show. That was seventy-six shows ago.
I’m often asked why do I sacrifice my personal time to blog every week.
I’m often asked why do I sacrifice my Saturday evening’s to travel to the WVON studio on the south side of Chicago and host a show at 10 o’clock at night.
Well here’s why…
I wouldn’t have received or achieved any of the wonderful blessings in my life, if many other people hadn’t sacrificed their personal time to provide me insight and guidance.
Throughout my life, I’ve had the unwavering support of my family and close friends, but there are so many others that have made significant contributions in my life.

There are a number of school teachers, Sunday school teachers, Vacation Bible school teachers, coaches, youth leaders, professors, counselors, pastors and previous bosses who willingly sacrificed their valuable time to invest in my growth and development.
They all made a difference.
Their time mattered.
Their words mattered.
The lesson they taught mattered.
…and they gave it all freely.
Now I have an opportunity to give back, and because of the difference so many others have made in my life, I know that I must make a difference where I can.
Because of them…
I know the time I give, will matter to someone.
I know the words I write and speak, will matter to someone.
I know the lessons I teach, will matter to someone.
It will make a difference!
There’s something else I know for certain; the work I do to fulfill my purpose on this planet would not be possible without you.
You read and share the blog.
That makes a difference!
You listen to the radio show and share it with your friends and loved ones.
That makes a difference!
You share Inspirational Perspective™ posts or retweet the tweets to your network.
That makes a difference!
Your positive comments, remarks and emails all make a huge difference.
The love and support you provide as I take on my life’s work and purpose makes a significant difference.

It’s because of you, that a blog that was nothing more than an idea, has become an interactive channel for inspiration and the foundation of a nationally broadcast radio show, with international influence.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I think about where this all began and what it has become.
…and it’s all because of you.
For this I want to say thank you.
Thank you so very much for all the love and support over the last few years.
From the bottom of my heart…thanks!
You are amazing. You are great. You make a difference.
Keep being all those things everywhere you go and stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice!
About the Author:
Linal Harris
Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
Linal Harris is a global entrepreneur, certified life coach, author, and media personality. As the founder of Inspirational Perspective® Publishing, LLC and Insights 4 Life™ Coaching, LLC, Harris challenges his global audience and coaching clients to Murder Mediocrity® and live their best life possible. Harris concentrates his work as an ontological coach with clients on what he calls the 4 pillars of life; the relationship we have to ourselves, the relationships we have with others, our relationship to work and money, and the connection we have to our spirit and life’s purpose. Harris coaches CEO’s, executives, entrepreneurs, athletes and celebrities. Harris is the author of “Slay Your Goals”, where he provides his readers with scientific and research backed tips for achieving their goals. Harris is an expert goal-setter and has been called upon by Fortune 500 companies to assist with setting their strategic priorities, facilitate goal-setting sessions and provide inspirational talks.
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