As mentioned a few weeks ago, Inspirational Perspective will be introducing new writers to the website. In today’s post, our guest contributor, Pam Redwood, discusses FEAR and how it can hurt entrepreneurs. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, Pam’s message is still relevant and poses the following question: Are you and your business in an intimate relationship with fear?
Has your mother ever told you, “What goes on in our home stays in our home”? My mother is a private woman; she believes in keeping her business out of the streets.
Throughout my life, I have followed my mom’s advice and it worked well for me. My private demeanor kept folks out of my personal business. However, the issue began when I used her advice to run my company! As I needed help or had questions, I kept them to my business partner and myself. We tried to figure out the answers the best way we knew how, but on our own.

Have you ever been afraid to ask for help because you didn’t want people to know there were things you were not knowledgeable about?
Or, perhaps you were too ashamed of what people would think of you?
You’re not alone. If you’ve ever watched one of my favorite reality series on CNBC, “The Profit”, with Marcus Lemonis, you will know that many of his participants are too ashamed of where they are in their businesses to disclose their challenges. In this program, he invests his own money into businesses and creates internal processes for failing business owners. Most of the owners that appeared on his show didn’t call because they were in denial; usually someone from their team recommended them via a letter.
What touches me the most is that one of their employees (not the employer) has reached out in hopes of keeping the company in business, as they see potential failure for the entire organization. As Marcus begins to work with the CEOs to assess the current structure and to grow their profit, so many questions arise. The most important one being, “Why didn’t you ask for help sooner?”
No one wants to admit that they are failing in their business venture; they are afraid to ask for help. Nonetheless, they must realize that secrecy is isolation. It’s the stomping ground for mind chatter and fear. The longer we postpone help, the louder the chatter gets, which does not allow our business to succeed.
Then the weight of stress kicks in, and we talk ourselves out of seeking help regarding our circumstances. O
ur mind is often a battlefield of “what ifs”?
Here are a few:
- What if I fail?
- What if I look stupid?
- What will happen if this goes wrong?
- What will people think?
- How will l look?
- What if I’m not capable?
It’s an emotional roller coaster until you decide to get help.
You have the control.
You’re the driver.
Choose the path of vulnerability and opportunity.
My biggest life changing moments happen from being open and vulnerable. The freedom of taking off the mask and saying, “I’m not perfect. I need help, guidance and/or feedback.”
This is the most invigorating experience.
It’s scary at first, but it takes practice. Don’t let fear freeze you in a place of discomfort. Don’t let fear separate you from those that can assist you in achieving your goals.
Here are a few ways to get help. I would love for you to share your tips too.
Write down your challenges. This helps get it out of your mind and on to paper. Keep going until you get them all out. Wait a few days then go back and write possible solutions. Take action. The secret is to look at them at least 3 times a week until you can scratch them off your list.
Turn your “what ifs” into positive statements rather than negative ones. An example is, ‘What if I do this and it impacts so many lives? What if this generates millions of dollars?’
Ask for help. Call your local chamber of commerce, urban league, or small business association. Hire a life coach, business coach, therapist and/or consultant.
Open up. Take a stand and practice being open and vulnerable with the right people who can help you. You will find the experience incredibly liberating.
Journal. Take some time to clear your mind and write about what’s happening. This will help to release any feelings and stale air.
Be thankful. Write down what you’re grateful for daily. Sometimes we forget to count our blessings.
Find spiritual balance. Pray. Meditate. Ask for guidance, peace and courage to overcome fear and fear’s cousins –worry, anxiety, pressure, and doubt.
I hope you feel empowered to take control of your business and make the necessary moves to make “the profit” that is waiting for you. Remember that as the CEO, it is your responsibility to make this happen and lead your business in the right direction.
Wishing you much success!
"Your brilliance is not by accident. Live life on purpose, with purpose, and make a divine impact on this world today!"
About the Author:
White House Recognized Entrepreneur –Professional Speaking Consultant & Booking Agent – Ontological Life Coach
Pam Redwood is the President and Co-Founder of Signature Media Group Speakers (SMG Speakers), a full service speakers’ bureau that books, brands and manages national speaking talent for special events. As the President of this top speakers’ bureau, Pam manages a diverse project portfolio--which includes strategic planning, business development, event planning and consulting. Pam not only works with nationally recognized speakers, but she is passionate about developing aspiring and established speakers into national brands. After nearly a decade of industry experience, she launched a new branch to SMG Speakers in 2015, I Develop Speakers™, which provides strategic consultations and marketing services for professional speakers who want to take their career to the next level.
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