I’m currently typing these words as I sit on an Cathay Pacific airplane headed to Hong Kong, 30,000 feet above the earth’s surface.

This will be my first visit to China. If I’m blessed to live another decade it won’t be my last.
By the end of this adventure, I will have explored over 30 countries and 260 cities all over the world.
Later this week, I’ll be headed to Indonesia and before going home, I’ll make a short stop in South Korea.
As a child, I dreamed of traveling the globe. I can remember looking through my parent’s Encyclopedias, lost in the wonders of other ethnicities, and at awe of their colors and culture.
I imagined being among them. Taking in the air they breath, and smelling the deep savory aromas of their cuisines.
I dreamed of crossing oceans and trekking jungles to experience the full beauty of this planet we call home.
My dreams have come true.
I’m aware that this is uncommon.
However, it isn’t uncommon for an African American child, from the low-income areas of Chicago, to reach the age of 18 without seeing the lake (Lake Michigan) that lies less than five miles away.
The same reasons some of us with the financial means refuse to leave our country.
We fear what we do not know and we rationalize the ever-present dangers of the life we do know, in an effort to feel safe.
For this reason, that low-income child from the South Side of Chicago would rather navigate the crime ridden labyrinth of their neighborhood, than venture a few miles to experience the beauty of one of the world’s most beautiful waterfronts, a few miles away.

We fear what we do not know, even if it has appeal and rewards.
After returning from similar adventures I’m often asked, “Were you afraid?”
The truth is, I’m typically always afraid before I go, where I’ve planned to go.
The first time I left the western hemisphere, I was scared.
The first time I sky-dived, I was scared.
The first time I scuba dived, I was scared.
The first time I climbed a mountain, I was scared
The first time I climbed into a small commuter plane, I was scared.
When I booked my flight to Hong Kong, I was scared.
I’ve been scared a lot.
So have you.
Try anything new and fear will always show its ugly head.
That’s fear’s weakness.
She’s predictable.
Now, I just wait for her (fear) to show up and I choose courage instead.
What I’ve learned, is that fear comes to steal our ability to truly experience life and live at our full potential.
Fear makes a risk look bigger than the reward.
Fear makes a life that could be memorable, average at best.
Fear makes greatness seem unreachable, so we meddle with mediocrity.
Thus, we go on living; tethered by fear. Constantly scared and always worried about our survival.
This is no way to live!
That’s why I’m constantly expanding my comfort zone and challenging my fears.
I refuse to relate to life as a struggle, rather than the adventure filled existence it should be.
I refuse to be average.
I refuse to be mediocre.
I refuse to let fear dictate how I will live my life.
What about you?
Is it time to loosen fear’s grip on your life?
We all have a seed of greatness! Don’t let the weeds of fear choke it out.

Anyone who is capable and average is capable of more than average!
What are your capabilities?
Where are you supposed to go?
What are you supposed to do?
Don’t let fear stop you.
It’s ok to be scared…
…but don’t let fear stop you!
Have courage.
Start living your best life possible today!
Join me on this adventure by using the links below to follow me; and stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice!
About the Author:
Linal Harris
Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
Linal Harris is a global entrepreneur, certified life coach, author, and media personality. As the founder of Inspirational Perspective® Publishing, LLC and Insights 4 Life™ Coaching, LLC, Harris challenges his global audience and coaching clients to Murder Mediocrity® and live their best life possible. Harris concentrates his work as an ontological coach with clients on what he calls the 4 pillars of life; the relationship we have to ourselves, the relationships we have with others, our relationship to work and money, and the connection we have to our spirit and life’s purpose. Harris coaches CEO’s, executives, entrepreneurs, athletes and celebrities. Harris is the author of “Slay Your Goals”, where he provides his readers with scientific and research backed tips for achieving their goals. Harris is an expert goal-setter and has been called upon by Fortune 500 companies to assist with setting their strategic priorities, facilitate goal-setting sessions and provide inspirational talks.
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