You are what you eat.

We’ve all heard or read this cliché before, but is it true?
In my community diabetes is sometimes referred to as sugar.
Instead of saying, “I have diabetes.”
Someone would say, “I have sugar.”
It’s not a coincidence that having sugar comes from overconsumption of sugar based foods. The same relationship is evident with overindulgence in alcohol and being labeled an alcoholic.
These lead me to believe that the cliché, you are what you eat, is true.
(…or at least that’s how it usually goes.)
For the most part, the word consumption is typically used to reference what we put in our mouths, but could it include what we choose to hear and see? Would you agree that if I constantly listen to music with lyrics that degrade women, that I’m probably more likely to disrespect and degrade the women in my life?
If my deduction is true, any man looking to shift his degrading behavior towards woman, would need to also make a conscious choice to change his music selections.
It works the same way when we’re looking to get inspired.
When you need inspiration you have a choice to make. You can choose to remain uninspired or you can choose to consume inspirational readings, audio, videos and/or interact with someone who inspires you.
It’s a fairly simple concept.
If you put disrespect in, you get disrespect out.
If you put inspiration in, you get inspiration out.
In other words…we are what we eat.
So, what are you eating?
What are your inputs?
Do your inputs reflect what you desire?
Do your inputs reflect the type of person you want to be?
A sportscaster’s inputs are primarily about sports.
A meteorologist’s inputs are primarily about weather.
A motivational speaker’s inputs are primarily motivational.
Who are you?
Who do you want to be?
The gap in these two answers are a consequence of your inputs.
We are what we eat.
What are you listening to?
What are you watching?
What media do you consume?
It might be time to start eating better.
Your inputs influence your outputs.
Watch what you consume.
This week, start being intentional about your inputs and stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice.
About the Author:
Linal Harris
Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
Linal Harris is a global entrepreneur, certified life coach, author, and media personality. As the founder of Inspirational Perspective® Publishing, LLC and Insights 4 Life™ Coaching, LLC, Harris challenges his global audience and coaching clients to Murder Mediocrity® and live their best life possible. Harris concentrates his work as an ontological coach with clients on what he calls the 4 pillars of life; the relationship we have to ourselves, the relationships we have with others, our relationship to work and money, and the connection we have to our spirit and life’s purpose. Harris coaches CEO’s, executives, entrepreneurs, athletes and celebrities. Harris is the author of “Slay Your Goals”, where he provides his readers with scientific and research backed tips for achieving their goals. Harris is an expert goal-setter and has been called upon by Fortune 500 companies to assist with setting their strategic priorities, facilitate goal-setting sessions and provide inspirational talks.
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