Have you ever seen something old, that you see everyday, for the very first time? This happened to me recently while headed to work.
On this particular morning I hadn’t had a chance to eat or have my morning coffee, so as I sat at a stop light my eyes quite naturally landed on a restaurant sign nearby.
The sign read: Popeye’s (underneath that) Chicken and Biscuits.
My eyes lingered on the biscuit portion on the sign for a while. Mmmmm…mmmmm…mmmmm!!
I could taste the buttery warmth of a Popeye’s biscuit in my mouth just by reading those words.
My hunger gaze was soon interrupted by another observation about this sign, I had never noticed before. At the top of the sign in smaller font was a powerful message.
“Established in 1972”
This was Popeye’s unspoken promise of consistency. In other words they are basically saying, “Chicken and biscuits is what we do. We’ve been doing this for almost 50 years. If it’s chicken and biscuits you want…we’re here for you. You can trust us!”
This got me thinking…
What’s my promise of consistency?
For Popeye’s it’s chicken and biscuits, but what would my promise of consistency be?
What would yours be?
Could my promise be:
Linal Harris – Loyalty and Friendship, Established in 1976
…or maybe it’s different depending on who I’m with and where I am.
I’ve been a leader within the same company for the past 8 years.
When working is it:
Linal Harris – Fair, Courteous and Listening Leader, Established in 2005
That’s my goal. That’s what I’d like my promise of consistency to be…
But, that doesn’t matter if my team members and coworkers don’t think so.
What’s your promise of consistency?
Would your friends, family and coworkers agree?
What have you established about yourself that has now become your brand?
I’m going to ask a few people about mine.
You probably should too.
Whether you ask or you don’t, the fact will still remain that everyday you’re establishing something about yourself that other people can see.
I’m asking, because I want to know. That’s the only way I can work to make meaningful, personal change.
So if the promise of consistency I wrote above isn’t necessarily true today, my goal is to work towards it starting now. That way it will be a promise I can stand on 10 years from now.
Because in 2022, a promise of consistency ‘Established in 2012, is pretty powerful!
Stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice!
About the Author:
Linal Harris Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
For daily inspiration – text “INSPIRED” to 43783 – Enrollment is free!

As a coworker, you are very fair, consistent, knowledgeable, and fair (as well as entertaining)
I know my life has become richer because of you! Dont ever stop growing, you help me grow also!
The promise of consistency is indeed very important to any successful relationship as over time it’s that’s consistency that builds rapport and simultaneously advances our progress. I recently made a new commitment to achieve greatness in my own life so a promise of consistency is definitely what I need to make now! I recall a quote that speaks directly to the promise of consistency; “the secret to your success is hidden in your daily routine!”