A formula for conquering fear…

A day or two after writing and posting the blog “Beat fear; Be uncommon!”, I had an interesting epiphany. This epiphany served more as an answer to a question I’d been asking myself since writing this post. My question was, “What is the formula for conquering fear?” Although, I have conquered fear in certain aspects of my Read More


As a native and resident of Chicago, I tend to cross paths with plenty of beggars.  Whether they are quietly sitting on a concrete step with a sign, or shouting at the top of their lungs at a street light intersection, while carrying an empty plastic cup, I’m typically not compelled to give to their cause. Read More

DO different!

When I first started this blog I had already accepted the fact it wouldn’t have explosive popularity and grow from one follower (my mom) to millions in a matter of months. Why had I accepted this reality?  Well it’s quite simple…my message isn’t sensational…there’s no soundtrack, no explosions and no A class actor doing backflips Read More