On July 4, 2011, I woke up with the title Inspirational Perspective™ etched in my mind, clear as day. That morning, I purchased the website domain and wrote my first blog post titled, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” I was terrified, but I clicked the publish button anyway. That day, I made a personal Read More
Tag: inspirational perspective
My Big Annoucement
I started this blog back in July 2011 to share an Inspirational Perspective™ with the world. As a blogger, life coach, and radio personality, I’m blessed to have the opportunity to inspire others to create the “impossible” in their life journeys. The BIG news that I wanted to share with you all, is that Read More
Career Corner Video Overview
About a month ago, I facilitated a workshop at WVON‘s Legacy Center on the South Side of Chicago. This was a live Q&A workshop where I discussed topics such as; building your personal brand, creating a compelling resume, how to properly prepare for an interview, social media best practices, negotiating your salary, continual workplace Read More
What Are Your Mental Constraints?
Over the past few weeks a picture has been circulating on social media forums that is quite comical. This picture is humorous, because it provides an interesting illustration and perspective of how a mental constraint can impact behavior. Whenever I see this picture on a social forum I always take a moment to read the Read More
Obstacles vs. Barriers
Life is a journey and as with any journey it can present its share of obstacles and barriers. As long as we’re breathing, obstacles and barriers will be a part of our human experience. It’s how we relate to our obstacles and barriers that dictates the quality of our human experience. One of the most Read More
What will people think? What will people say?
Recently, I was referred to a gentleman who was requesting some financial guidance. Upon connecting, he shared his situation with me and within a few minutes I was able to provide a few ideas and concepts that could ease the tension in his financial situation. Our conversation seemed to flow very well until he said, Read More
I’m really not winning…(excerpt from Linal Harris’ diary)
This weekend I celebrated thirty-eight years on the planet. Typically every year, I write a birthday blog post that expresses my gratitude for life and/or provides a perspective for reflection on how things have changed since I was a child. This year my birthday blog post will be different. Recently, with the help of Read More
7 Leadership Lessons from the 2014 Global Leadership Summit
As most of you know, I take personal development and self-improvement very serious. I’m even more passionate about leadership development. Why? Leaders facilitate change. Whether the change is perceived to be positive or negative, typically a leader is always at the helm of initiating that change. Thus, leaders influence the course in which other’s lives Read More
You Are What You Eat. (Inputs/Outputs)
You are what you eat. We’ve all heard or read this cliché before, but is it true? In my community diabetes is sometimes referred to as sugar.Instead of saying, “I have diabetes.”Someone would say, “I have sugar.” It’s not a coincidence that having sugar comes from overconsumption of sugar based foods. The same relationship is evident Read More
A formula for conquering fear…
A day or two after writing and posting the blog “Beat fear; Be uncommon!”, I had an interesting epiphany. This epiphany served more as an answer to a question I’d been asking myself since writing this post. My question was, “What is the formula for conquering fear?” Although, I have conquered fear in certain aspects of my Read More