391 years ago (1620) a group of 102 English settlers, who later became known as Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts aboard the Mayflower. Their leader was William Bradford (1590-1657) who governed the colony for most of the next 30 years. Bradford’s wife, Dorothy, drowned a few days before reaching Plymouth in Provincetown Harbor. The first Read More
Tag: inspirational perspective
What side of change are you on?
Change is constant… For some of us…change is good! For others…it’s become the necessary evil we endure. Either we adapt or we agonize… Change comes…and then goes…opening the door for new change! So the question becomes…on which side of change are you? Here are a few examples of change we’ve all experienced or are Read More
Walking in Circles
This past week, I read an excerpt from Seth Godin’s book Poke the Box, that really stuck with me. This passage was called “Walking in Circles”. In this piece, Seth cited research that had been done by Dr. Jan Souman, of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. This research revealed what happens to us Read More
Dare to be Great!
A favorite quote of mine is by Zig Ziglar:“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Today, I wanted to take a moment to remind all of you to…Keep your fire burning!! Dare to be great!!In all of us is an untapped source of Read More
What are you taking for granted?
While running errands this past weekend I did quite a bit of driving. The weather was great and people were out and about enjoying the sunshine. When pulling up to stop signs I noticed that almost everyone crossing the street in front of the car walked out into the street before I even stopped Read More
A question about time…
When was the last time you stopped and really thought about time? That’s right time… Time is the precious, priceless commodity we all share daily in full equity; that cannot be manipulated. Lately, time has been on my mind quite a bit… I’m sure most of you can relate when I say, “There just doesn’t Read More
What is the new normal?
The weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal had an article on the front page titled, “Economy Adds Jobs, but not Enough”. Above the bolded title there was a graph that tracked ‘Labor Lost’ over the last 40 years. On the graph, job loss had been moderate all those years until 2008, then it hit Read More
Connecting the Dots – Remembering Steve Jobs
A friend of mine has been on me for maybe the last six months to read the commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs back in 2005. Up until now I hadn’t. I was just too busy. Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. I read his commencement speech at Stanford, less than 24 hours later. Oh how I wish Read More
The Little Things Matter
The past two weeks the “Thought of the Week” has been drenched in a message of patriotism born from my passion for conserving and protecting our nation’s democracy how and where I can. It doesn’t help that Labor Day and the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 were within a week of each other…those events just Read More
A Labor Day Thought!
As the ticket agent handed me my confirmed seat on a Chicago bound flight, for which I had been standing-by, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of getting home an hour earlier than planned. Finally, I would get a full night’s sleep! I was thinking, “No alarm clock tomorrow! It’s Labor Day!!” However, my Read More